Services related to the staff of the companies we serve in their more specific type and scope are the following:
• preparation of the necessary documentation for labour contracts, their modification and termination ;
• submission of the required information to the NRA related to registration of a labour contract, its modification and termination;
• preparation of monthly payroll and personal slips;
• reporting wage costs and the costs for insurance and social benefits in functional structures and units of the company, as well as in the directions of its activity.
• calculation of leave and benefits for temporary work disability;
• preparation of payment documents for staff payment;
• preparation of documents for payment of accounts with the state budget for accrued taxes, insurance and other deductions from wages, which are paid by the staff and the analogous ones that are at the expense of the company;
• monthly submission of information for the insured persons in the register of the National Insurance Institute /NII/;
• representatives in case of inspections before the authorities of NRA and NII;
• preparation of civil contracts, bills paid and official notes;
• preparation of official notes, filling out forms for retirement, etc.