


Companies, which are served by our Accounting company at present, are from the following more specific economic sectors:

• Construction – construction and installation services;
• Investment construction, sales of construction products (separate sites of buildings), sales of other real estate (plot, agricultural land, etc.).
• Construction of photovoltaic; hydro; wind and other energy parks;

lambovsie• Agriculture – unprocessed products of plant origin (vegetables, fruits, grapes, tobacco, cereal, oilseed and other crops), performance of mechanized agricultural and transport services with agricultural machinery;
• Agrifood industry (production of processed (both its own and supplied) agricultural production) – production of bulk and bottled wine; bread and bakery products; production of vegetable and fruit tinned food; manufacture and sale of kitchen products;
lambovsie• Production of concrete and cement mixes; Production of window and door frames; production of garments and clothing; production of medical and bandage materials;
• Wholesale and retail including restaurants, bars and other drinking and public restaurants; pharmaceuticals products and medicines; trade with fuels and lubricants;
• Services (health, rental, auto services, accounting, computer services;
lambovsie• Agricultural and transport services with agricultural machinery;
• Forwarding activity;
•Import and export;
lambovsie• Intermediation and commission;
• Gambling; sports games and lotteries;
• Football clubs;
• Hunting and fishing – economic and regulated activities;
• Legal non-profit organizations;
• Others